Social Inclusion .
Gender Equality .
Socio-Emotional Intelligence .
Sustainability .
The idea behind Uno is that both individuals and society could never be fully complete if they do not learn to interact and to give to each other their very best.To help this process, Uno focuses its activities on four fundamental activities.
For all these problems, solutions could only come from a collective approach that puts together individuals and their communities. This concept fully embodied the spirit behind Uno. We are fighting social exclusion of all the marginalized social classes that are the most at risk of being left behind due to difficulties in social activities, studies, job placement, etc.
Help up to achieve our goals
We are working towards a future in which society and individuals work in synchronization with one another. A future for a world in which no one is left behind and no one wants to isolate themselves from their/hers/his community. In order to achieve this vision, we focus our activities on equality, mutual respect and empathy for other human beings.
We aim to promote the concept of Life-Long learning, intercultural dialogue, social inclusion, gender equality, sustainable lifestyles, as well as the development of Social and Emotional intelligence skills. By promoting Non-Formal education methods, we try to reach the widest possible audience with our projects. Reach as many minds as possible and touch as many hearts as possible with a view of shaping the world of today and tomorrow.
We have a great team

Patrizio Ricci .
Co-founder and president of Uno, experienced European Project Manager and designer. He worked in several Erasmus+ projects since 2018 focusing on Social Emotional Intelligence, Social Inclusion, Education through sport, Gender Equality, and fostering digital skills to disadvantaged people.

Denisa Vornicu .
European Project Manager and IT Expert at UNO, she started as a trainee in 2023 and joined the team as a full-time staff member in 2024. She is a business and programming graduate with more than 8 years of working experience in the field of information technology. She embarked on her NGO journey by attending over 15 seminars, youth exchanges, and projects across Europe focused on social inclusion and sustainability. She devotes her passion, love, and expertise to these diverse initiatives, aiming to foster an inclusive society and maintain a green, clean Planet.

Maristella Crestani .
Co-founder and Secretary of Uno. She approached the world of International Cooperation and EU projects in 2020 when she took part in the development of an Erasmus+ KA1 Youth project that aimed at fostering Social Inclusion via theater. Through her previous experiences she already mastered NFE methodologies and experienced the role of NFE Trainer.

Giovanni Gonella .
Co-founder & treasurer of Uno, an experienced Project Designer, specialized in EU Funds, especially in Erasmus+. His background includes an International Cooperation and Business Development bachelor’s degree and a master’s in international Relations. He also has a long experience as a volunteer using NFE methodologies as a teacher and trainer in Nepal.

Angela Marongiu .
Head of Administration and European Project Manager, she manages activities related to the mentoring and coaching of Uno’s interns and the provision of Tutoring services to volunteers. She is well experienced in the managing of projects funded by the European Commission as well as a high school teacher.