Social Inclusion
Integration by social and digital learning | ISDL
Erasmus + KA210 Small-scale partnerships in adult education
Project Ref:2022-1-TR01-KA210-ADU-000084905
From 31 . 12 . 2022 To 30 . 12 . 2024
Integration by Social and digital learning | ISDL
Erasmus + KA210 Small-scale partnerships in adult education
Project Ref:2022-1-TR01-KA210-ADU-000084905
from 31 . 12 . 2022 to 30 . 12 . 2024
Partners Comité de Liaison Diagonal France (FR) | Uno (ES) | Republika Makedonija Univerzitet Goce Delchev Shtip – Voena Akademija – General Mihajlo Apostolski Skopje – pridruzhna chlenka (MK)
The main aim of the project is to exchange good practices, the partners are seeking to: enhance the skills and abilities of relevant staff of the partner organizations; enhance the skills and competencies of people working in organizations dealing with refugees and unemployment issues; increase the capacity of relevant organizations and authorities. The project will be carried out transnationally because the exchange of practices is effective only if coming from different contexts, approaches, and cultural awareness.
Remote and rural areas of Europe together | EUROPE
Erasmus + KA210 Small-scale partnerships in adult education
Project Ref:2022-2-IS01-KA210-ADU-000100294
From 01 . 02 . 2023 To 31 . 01 . 2025
Remote and rural areas of Europe together | EUROPE
Erasmus + KA210 Small-scale partnerships in adult education
Project Ref:2022-2-IS01-KA210-ADU-000100294
from 01 . 02 . 2023 to 31 . 01 . 2025
Coordinator: Austan mána ehf ( IS)
Partners: Associação Poiomar(PR) | OPEN IMPACT SRL( IT) | CONSULTA EUROPA PROJECTS AND INNOVATION SL ( ES) | Absentia APS ( IT) | Uno ( ES)
It aims at raising awareness of Remote and Rural Areas, the challenges they face in the XI century regarding sustainable development and digitalization, as well as the increasing challenge of depopulation of these areas, making it even more difficult to address the societal changes that will be needed over the next few years. The aim is then to create a network among them and, after analyzing the common challenges faced, co-designing and implementing during the local phase Capacity Building activities to promote a shared approach towards a change. The project’s objective aligns with the priorities to promote shared values and active citizenship since, in a connected environment, the population of remote and rural areas won’t feel left out by institutions.
E-sports and Education Through Sports as a tool for the inclusion of the LGBTQIA+ community | e-LGBTQIA+
ERASMUS+ KA210-YOU – Small-scale partnerships in youth
Project Ref: 101089408
From 01. 04 . 2022 To 31. 10 . 2024
E-sports and Education Through Sports as a tool for the inclusion of the LGBTQIA+ community | e-LGBTQIA+
ERASMUS+ KA210-YOU – Small-scale partnerships in youth
Project Ref: 101089408
from 01. 04 . 2022 to 31. 10 . 2023
Coordinator MotiMera(SE)
Partners Uno (ES) | Associazione Sportiva Dilettantistica Cuore di Calcio (IT)
The project aims at fostering a better and smoother inclusion of youngsters coming from the LGBTQIA+ community, using e-sports as a tool to overcome barriers and obstacles due to prejudice and poor political propaganda. Furthermore, the usage of e-sports can have several side effects that can positively affect the youth, such as: learning how to work with others, social skills, strategic thinking and planning, managing success and failure, and time management.e-LGBTQIA+ long-term objective is to foster a gaming community that is ‘welcoming to all players, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, disability, religious belief, background, or physical appearance’.
Augmentative Alternative Communication approach to increase socio-educational operators’ competencies for fostering the inclusion of people with disabilities| AAC 4 INCLUSION
ERASMUS+ KA220-VET – Cooperation partnerships in vocational education and training
Project Ref: 2023-1-IT01-KA220-VET-000151537
From 01. 10 . 2023 To 31. 05 . 2026
Augmentative Alternative Communication approach to increase socio-educational operators’ competencies for fostering the inclusion of people with disabilities | AAC 4 INCLUSION
ERASMUS+ KA220-VET – Cooperation partnerships in vocational education and training
Project Ref: 2023-1-IT01-KA220-VET-000151537
from 01. 10 . 2023 to 31. 05 . 2026
Coordinator Cepiss Società cooperativa sociale onlus (IT)
Partners Uno (ES) | Asociatia Moral Compass (RO) | Asociația Psiterra (RO) | Centro MachiavellI (IT) | Confederacion IMPULSA IGUALDAD (ES) | GÖLCÜK İLÇE MİLLÎ EĞİTİM MÜDÜRLÜĞÜ ( TR)
The Project will pursue 3 objectives:
1. Increasing the competencies of trainers/educators and teachers on the pedagogical methodology of the AAC also through digital practices:
2. Strengthening the level of communication and interaction of disabled people with their group of belonging and in society:
3. Applying the AAC approach in inclusive education and training systems.
DIGItal art education and cultural exchanges among European countries | digiTEACH
ERASMUS+ KA220-SCH – Cooperation partnerships in school education
Project Ref: 2023-1-FR01-KA220-SCH-000154014
From 01. 10 . 2023 To 30. 09 . 2026
DIGItal art education and cultural exchanges among European countries | digiTEACH
ERASMUS+ KA220-SCH – Cooperation partnerships in school education
Project Ref: 2023-1-FR01-KA220-SCH-000154014
from 01. 10 . 2023 to 30. 09 . 2026
Coordinator RENASUP (FR)
The Project will pursue the following objectives:
1. Supporting European art teachers with new digital tools for an innovative and more involving teaching methodology.
2. Easing the development of students of ICT skills related to art and culture.
3. Reinforcing in students and teachers a sense of European identity thanks to digital exchanges that will take place at a European level.
4. Granting easier knowledge sharing regarding European art.
5. Favouring art, culture and knowledge sharing among European schools.
sPort AS tool of incluSIon Of ex-offeNders | PASSION
Project Ref: 101133800
From 01. 10 . 2023 To 31. 03 . 2025
sPort AS tool of incluSIon Of ex-offeNders | PASSION
Project Ref: 101133800
from 01. 10 . 2023 to 30. 03 . 2025
Coordinator BASE (IT)
The Project aims at involving operators and trainers dealing with the re-introduction in the society of ex-offender into exploring the effect that ETS could have into helping reduce recidivism, using the potential of sport to help the target group of ex-offenders overcome the barriers of their social vulnerability and to give them the instruments to re-enter society and build new and meaningful relations.
Through PASSION, partners aim to contribute to Erasmus+ horizontal priority of Inclusion and Diversity, addressing it under the Sport sector priority of promoting education in and through sport. Working together to achieve PASSION aim represents an unique opportunities for partners to increase the quality of their activities, enhance the skills of their staff and create a strong cooperation.
RainbowUp: fostering the inclusion of LGBTQI+ youth | RainbowUp
KA220-YOU – Cooperation partnerships in youth
Project Ref: 2024-1-ES02-KA220-YOU-000250204
From 01. 12 . 2024 To 31. 07 . 2027
RainbowUp: fostering the inclusion of LGBTQI+ youth | RainbowUp
KA220-YOU – Cooperation partnerships in youth
Project Ref: 2024-1-ES02-KA220-YOU-000250204
from 01. 12 . 2024 to 31. 07 . 2027
Coordinator Uno (ES)
Partners Service Civil International Österreich (AU) | Centro Machiavelli S.r.l. ( IT) | FOUNDATION GLAS BALGARIA (BG) | Cepiss Società cooperativa sociale onlus ( IT) | IGMS LTD (CY)
The project is centered on addressing the need for more effective inclusion of LGBTQI+ individuals within society and combating their marginalization. Through this initiative, project partners will focus on empowering youth workers, equipping them with the necessary skills and knowledge to provide enhanced support to LGBTQI+ youth.
The project aims to achieve the following objectives:
- Improve the Quality and Accessibility of Support for LGBTQI+ Youth: By enhancing the resources and services available, the project seeks to ensure that LGBTQI+ youth have access to the high-quality support they need, helping them navigate the challenges they face.
- Empower Youth Workers with Advanced Knowledge and Tools: The project will provide youth workers with specialized training and resources, enabling them to offer more effective and informed support to LGBTQI+ youth, addressing their unique needs and challenges.
- Promote a Culture of Inclusion and Support within European Communities: The project will foster a more inclusive environment across European local communities, encouraging acceptance and support for LGBTQI+ individuals, thereby contributing to their well-being and integration into society.
Erasmus + KA122-ADU – Short-term projects for the mobility of learners and staff in adult education
Project Ref:2021-1-IT02-KA122-ADU-000017980
From 01 . 12 . 2021 To 31 . 05 . 2023.
Erasmus + KA122-ADU – Short-term projects for the mobility of learners and staff in adult education
Project Ref:2021-1-IT02-KA122-ADU-000017980
from 01 . 12 . 2021 to 31 . 05 . 2023
Coordinator La Tartaruga ONLUS (IT)
Partners Fundacja Pedra (PL) | Uno (ES)
The project aim is to improve the competencies and skills of participants learning a holistic approach toward disabled children and their families, internationalize the activities of the partnerships, share best practices on a European level, and promote locally, nationally, and in Europe the importance of social inclusion of disabled children. The objectives of the project are: supporting the innovation of the methodologies used by the staff of “La Tartaruga” and guaranteeing the maturation of transversal skills (digital-linguistic); sharing with the staff of two European associations engaged in the inclusion and social field the methodologies used by the staff of “LaTartaruga” Onlus; internationalize the activities and practices of “La Tartaruga” and raising awareness in the local and European community about the importance of social inclusion of people with disabilities.
Erasmus + KA152-Mobility of young people
Project Ref:2021-2-IT03-KA152-YOU-000039282
From 01 . 02 . 2022 To 31 . 03 . 2023.
Erasmus + KA152-Mobility of young people
Project Ref:2021-2-IT03-KA152-YOU-000039282
from 01 . 12 . 2021 to 31 . 05 . 2023.
Coordinator Base NGO (IT)
Partners Uno (ES)
EUFORYA aims to promote civic engagement and participation, in line with one of the fundamental rights ensured by both the European and the national citizenships and as recommended by the EU Youth Strategy. EUFORYA focuses on the needs of young people from disadvantaged areas, for whom participation and active citizenship represent an essential tools to avoid the risk of social exclusion. At the same time, these young people experience fewer opportunities for participation or lack the necessary active citizenship skills to seize these opportunities. EUFORYA will help raise awareness and shed light on the critical and sometimes hidden role that European Union institutions have for any European citizen and especially for young people, as they offer a vast set of opportunities that were unthinkable until a few decades ago.
4Together against CyberBullying | TAC
Erasmus + KA153-YOU-Mobility of youth workers
Project Ref:2022-1-ES02-KA153-YOU-000066409
From 01 . 03 .2022 To 30 . 04 . 2023.
Together against CyberBullying | TAC
Erasmus + KA153-YOU-Mobility of youth workers
Project Ref: 2022-1-ES02-KA153-YOU-000066409
from 01 . 03 .2022 to 30 . 04 . 2023.
Coordinator Uno (ES)
Partners Fundacja Petgra (PL) | Base Ngo (IT) | Associação Youth Cluster – Um Mundo de Oportunidades (PT) | Absentia APS (IT)
The goals of this project are the following: To give and share inputs and tools to be used to implement non-formal and informal activities aimed at reaching out to marginalized young people, such as victims of bullying and perpetrators; To promote the values of equity, social cohesion, and active citizenship among participants as fundamental values of the Youth Sector Strategy 2030; To equip youth workers with competencies and methods needed for transferring common European fundamental values, such as tolerance, intercultural dialogue, equality, and respect to the policy system where they will operate and especially to young people as a tool to prevent their violent radicalization; To provide concrete and equal opportunity for young workers in the field of education as a trigger to first encourage young people to actively participate in society (EU Youth Strategy) and then to properly adapt it to their professional needs.
Unemployed adults empowerment through direct social entrepreneurship upskilling | MUNDUS
Erasmus+ KA210 ADU Small-scale partnerships in adult education
Project Ref:2021-2-IT02-KA210-ADU-000049913
From 01 . 04 .2022 To 31 . 03 . 2023.
Unemployed adults empowerment through direct social entrepreneurship upskilling | MUNDUS
Erasmus+ KA210 ADU Small-scale partnerships in adult education
Project Ref:2021-2-IT02-KA210-ADU-000049913
from 01 . 04 .2022 to 31 . 03 . 2023.
Coordinator: Centro studi sulla Civiltà del Mare e per la Valorizzazione del Golfo e del Parco dell’Asinara (IT)
Partners: Uno (ES) | Sport club Endorfin (SL)
The project aims at promoting, up-skilling, and empowering unemployed migrant adults facing social exclusion and professional segregation as they are considered, generally, as not productive members of society. Therefore, the aim is to empower the designated target group with social entrepreneurship and start-up cocreation competencies with a focus on synthesizing and designing ideas for social good; tools necessary to successfully start up, manage and scale up innovative for sustainable businesses.
More info on the project’s website :
Erasmus KA210-YOU – Small-scale partnerships in youth
Project Ref:2021-2-IT03-KA210-YOU-000050484
From 01 . 03. 2022 To 01 . 03 . 2023.
Erasmus + KA210-YOU – Small-scale partnerships in youth
Project Ref:2021-2-IT03-KA210-YOU-000050484
from 01 . 03. 2022 to 01 . 03 . 2023.
Coordinator Pattinaggio Artistico il Boschetto ASD (IT)
Partners Uno (ES)
The project aims to structure a training dedicated to educators who collaborate with disabled young people using skating as a tool of inclusion (including gender), to share best practices and raise awareness on the issue of youth inclusion disabled thanks to the ETS and skating. At the same time, the project aims to break down the general prejudices that consider skating as a sport purely feminine.
Sensitive Language regarding disability for a more inclusive society | READY
Erasmus + KA210 Small-scale partnerships in adult education
Project Ref:2021-1-ES01-KA210-ADU-000034019
From 01 . 11 . 2021 to 31 . 08 . 2023
Sensitive Language regarding disability for a more inclusive society | READY
Erasmus + KA210 Small-scale partnerships in adult education
Project Ref:2021-1-ES01-KA210-ADU-000034019
from 01 . 11 . 2021 to 31 . 08 . 2023
Coordinator Uno (ES)
Partners Fightthestroke Foundation (IT) | INTERNATIONALE ARBEIDSVERENIGING (NL)
The overall project aims at raising awareness among young adults (target group 18-35 y.o.) on the importance of the usage of a sensitive language as a tool to foster inclusion and equality and help put an end to discrimination and stigmatization of people with disabilities. The main focus is on fostering inclusion through more careful use of language and aiming at studying, developing, and sharing new methods in education that can lead to a better inclusion of people with disabilities in all fields of education.
More details on the project’s website :
Project info and results : HERE
Creative youth over 65 | R YOU 65
Erasmus + KA210 Small-scale partnerships in adult education
Project Ref:2021-2-IT02-KA210-ADU-000049061
From 01. 03 . 2022 To 31 . 08 . 2023
Creative youth over 65 | R YOU 65
Erasmus + KA210 Small-scale partnerships in adult education
Project Ref:2021-2-IT02-KA210-ADU-000049061
from 01. 03 . 2022 to 31 . 08 . 2023
Coordinator E.I.T.D. S.r.l. (IT)
Partners Arteteka Limited (IR) | Uno (ES)
The overall objective of the project is to promote the quality of life for elder adults (+65 years old). The project will support active citizenship and ethics in lifelong learning; it will foster the development of social and intercultural competencies, critical thinking, and art literacy. It will offer opportunities for people’s participation in social and civic engagement through non-formal learning activities. The focus will also be on raising awareness of and understanding the European Union context, notably as regards the common EU values, the principles of unity and diversity, as well as their cultural identity, cultural awareness, and their social and historical heritage.
More details on the project:’s website :
Project info and results : HERE
Inclusion of ethnic minorities and Roma people through soccer | IRIS
Project Ref:101050531
From 01. 07 . 2022 To 31 . 12 . 2023
Inclusion of ethnic minorities and Roma people through soccer | IRIS
Project Ref:101050531
from 01. 07 . 2022 to 31 . 12 . 2023
Coordinator Uno (ES)
Partners Associazione Sportiva Dilettantistica (A.S.D.) Cuore di Calcio (IT) | KIYIKOY DOGA SPORLARI KULUBU DERNEGI (TR)
The project aims at exploring the possibility of sport as a means of social inclusion of ethnic minorities, specifically Roma people. Tennis teaches fair competition, to win graciously, and to lose with honor. It teaches you to manage adversity when adjusting to the elements and to manage mistakes by learning to play within your abilities. It requires that you call errors on yourself. Doubles and team play teach cooperation communication and teamwork. Tennis requires that you learn etiquette and treat others with respect. “Inclusion of ethnic minorities and Roma people through tennIS” [IRIS] aims at exploring and put into action the possibilities that tennis offers to promote social inclusion among people from ethnic minorities, especially Roma people.
We are a rainbow: Bridging cultures via peer learning | RainbowBridge
Erasmus + KA210-SCH – Small-scale partnerships in school education
Project Ref:2021-2-TR01-KA210-SCH-000048738
From 31 . 04 . 2022 To 30 . 11. 2023
We are a rainbow: Bridging cultures via peer learning | RainbowBridge
Erasmus + KA210-SCH – Small-scale partnerships in school education
Project Ref:2021-2-TR01-KA210-SCH-000048738
from 31 . 04 . 2022 to 30 . 11. 2023
Partners Uno (ES) | melting box (IT)
This project is mainly based on the effective social integration of refugees through teaching peer learning for young individuals and diversity training for teachers, students, and NGO members. By enabling effective social integration of disadvantaged young people, especially immigrant ones, we also wish to create a sense of belonging for our immigrant students which will let them feel at home and secure. Besides, we wish to create a school environment and a society that enables immigrant students to express themselves freely and to feel that they are accepted and they are being treated in an equal way. Also, we plan to raise awareness of the richness coming from diversity in our local students to be more tolerant and embracing towards their friends. As we believe that creating an equal school atmosphere depends on building dialogue and dignity among young people, we hope they can explore each other’s cultures and languages through peer learning and diversity training.
I.C.T.- International Courses on ICT & fundraising skills | I.C.T.
ERASMUS+ KA122-ADULT – Short-term projects for mobility of learners and staff in adult education
Project Ref: 2022-1-ES01-KA122-ADU-000078032
From 02. 10 . 2022 To 01. 04. 2024
I.C.T.- International Courses on ICT & fundraising skills | I.C.T.
ERASMUS+ KA122-ADULT – Short-term projects for mobility of learners and staff in adult education
Project Ref: 2022-1-ES01-KA122-ADU-000078032
from 02. 10 . 2022 to 01. 04 . 2024
Coordinator Uno (ES)
Hosting Organizations Base NGO (IT) | Portugal
Thanks to this project, UNO will involve its staff members in 2 different transnational mobilities:
-the first one will be held at BASE NGO in Italy, where thanks to the presence of an informatics engineer, a structured course on ICT skills and competencies will be delivered to 4 people from UNO;
-the second one will be held in a European Organization (not yet identified) in Portugal, where the staff members from UNO will participate in job shadowing activities on the fundraising theme.
Following this strategy, UNO will be able to actively respond to its needs by improving its staff’s necessary on ICT and fundraising skills (leading in the future towards more ICT activities that foster inclusion). Moreover, the project will further strengthen its internationalization process by widening its network and increasing the possibilities of being involved in further Erasmus + projects.
JOB-HUNTER PRO: Developing job-hunting skills in youth | JOB-HUNTER PRO
Erasmus+ KA210-YOU – Small-scale partnerships in youth
Project Ref:2022-1-ES02-KA210-YOU-000080818
From 01 . 10 . 2022 To 01 . 04 . 2024
JOB-HUNTER PRO: Developing job-hunting skills in youth | JOB-HUNTER PRO
Erasmus + KA210-YOU – Small-scale partnerships in youth
Project Ref:2022-1-ES02-KA210-YOU-000080818
from 01 . 10 . 2022 to 01 . 04 . 2024
Coordinator Uno( ES)
Partners Accademia IRSEI – Istituto di Ricerca per lo Sviluppo, Economia e Innovazione – APS (IT)
The project aims to create tools that can support and empower youth during a delicate and important phase of their lives, that is entry into the labor market. Also aims to achieve the following specific objectives:
- increasing job-search abilities in youth;
- increasing youth’s ability to handle the whole job-hunting process effectively and constructively;
- strengthening transversal soft skills useful for business through the use of nonformal methodologies;
- increasing youth digital skills for business;
- increasing youth knowledge of basic labor market law and worker rights;
- increasing youth knowledge on the EU programs and initiatives that aim to foster competencies development and counter unemployment;
- increasing youth workers’ capacity to support youth in transition
Download the Job Hunter Pro Guide in EN Here ! Download the Job Hunter Pro Guide in IT Here ! Download the Job Hunter Pro Guide in ES Here !
The interviews and the video pills from the project can be accessed HERE !